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Furnace Repair & Heating Installation

Columbus Indiana Furnace Repair & Heating Installation

Homeowners in Columbus, IN know they can trust the experts at Johnson Heating | Cooling | Plumbing Inc. Call us for heating, AC repair, and installation today. Find out how you can save on your next project when you click here to access our current specials and promotions.


Call (317) 881-7738 anytime... day or night!

¿Habla español? Podemos ayudar. Llame a Pablo: (317) 315-0575 o Denis: (317) 412-4318
Technician performing maintenance on furnace

Heating and Furnace Repair in Columbus, Indiana

Don’t let your furnace shut down during a cold winter night. We’re here to evaluate your current heating system and give you the options to repair what you have now or buy a new furnace, heat pump, or geothermal heating unit.
Call Johnson Heating, Cooling and Plumbing 24 hours a day – 7 days a week for professional heating service and furnace installation for your home or business.

We are a family owned and operated furnace company located in Greenwood Indiana. We’ve served Bartholomew County, Indiana since 1968 and we’re dedicated to providing competitive service and new furnace prices.

Lower your heating costs. Tune up your furnace and keep your electricity costs lower during winter. Prevent breakdowns and protect your long-term equipment warranty.

Our team will provide a custom heating system high-efficiency tune-up for only $69.99, enacted by certified professionals!

High Efficiency Furnace

We’re also here to professionally install your custom Trane Heating System

Trane is the world leader in High-Efficiency Furnace Systems, and you could afford one with the current Local and Federal Real Cash Back Rebates including the latest financing offers from Trane, subject to credit approval.

During and After your Installation
Johnson Heating-Cooling and Plumbing has over 40 years of experience, backing up our installations with stellar service. We’ll be here for years to come.

Don’t worry, our furnace installation technicians are skilled and certified professionals who are drug tested, and are educated on the latest trends in furnace technology. They’ll get the job done efficiently while respecting your property.

If you live in Columbus, Indiana or anywhere else in Bartholomew County, get High-Class 24-hour heating service or a free new furnace system estimate.

Ron Griesemer, Owner

When you need heating or cooling services from a team you can trust

Our staff is always happy to answer your questions and provide a quote.

(317) 881-7738

We Proudly Serve Central Indiana, including…
New Whiteland


Center Grove

